An Other Consciousness

by Surfnetter on December 14, 2008


All knowledge is a category of consciousness, for what is outside of consciousness is, by definition, unknown. Man cannot, therefore, define consciousness itself, just as no one of us can fully know ourselves except through being known by others. In that there is a collective consciousness — shared human knowledge of the entirety of the human experience, as it were — this cannot be fully understood except by another — or, more perfectly expressed, an Other Consciousness. This, of course, is the Power greater than ourselves, in the language of 12-Step groups. It is God, to use another common term.

The times when each one of us becomes aware that we are awake and alive, that we are no longer dreaming but that this is real Life — we are in these moments experiencing the Other Consciousness. This Consciousness is unblinking and constant, welcoming, familiar, full of acceptance and hope. It was in such moments that Abraham heard God’s voice, that Moses encountered a tree lit by a Fire that did not consume, where Buddha Gotama stood his ground until the Truth revealed Itself, and where Jesus Christ walked with the Father as His One True Living Metaphor. We Christians celebrate the conception and birth of this Consciousness at Christmas, and it’s victory over darkness and death on Easter Sunday morning. All religions, in fact, celebrate these things on their high holy days.

And One Day we will all wake up and realize that the sorrows and sufferings of this world are over and the fearful dragon that threatened to devour us in endless trauma has evaporated like a nightmare does in the sound and light of a new day. We will then find each other and all hold hands and laugh and sing….


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

JeriAnn 12.15.08 at 12:28 pm

Fantastic! And the photos are amazing.

The perfect holiday message.

internetelias 01.17.09 at 4:54 pm


willoh 01.24.09 at 8:30 am

I love the pictures! I write to apologize. the web does not allow us to express our tone or facial expression. I ment no harm at Imonk. I was teasing, and I was wrong. I too had a Pauline experience! I enjoy reading your posts, and your blog. Usually. I don’t agree with all you say, but I respect you and will fight for your right to speak and worship as you chose. I get what you say. You may not be my friend, but I am yours in Jesus. I grew up in a fire hall. We love each other and brutally “bust”. Please accept my quip in the way it was meant, and you would be welcome at Dayspring any day.
I feel as I read your work, that you and I are Inkblots, like a Rorshat test the psychs use. So opposite we are identical.
Please accept this apology and know I repent. It will not happen again.
Safe and Prosperous fishing, we better get along here and now as I believe we will be together in God’s house forever and ever.
Shalom, Surfnetter, from an apologetic Willoh.

Surfnetter 01.25.09 at 10:52 am

Thanks for the compliment, the good wishes, willoh — and the apology. Not really necessary. Cyberspace is a weird place. Good to know where you are coming from. Love to hear your story — is it on your blog?

And where is Dayspring?

willoh 02.03.09 at 11:55 pm

Dayspring is in Northeast Pa. Next to my fishing ground, the Susquehanna river. I started fishing only 9 years ago after a back opperation. You would laugh at me learning. Last year stunk so bad I did not get out. this year God willing I will be out there regularly. I like to bank fish or canoe I even set Sunday night[ more like a AA mtg than church, but I like it. ] service up for 7:30 so I can get a couple hours in before, and then at night there is catfish! You know, I need to get my “conversion experience” up on the web. I will drop you a line when i blog it. By the way, you are way to opinionated to be a good Catholic. You either leave your priest alone or drive him nuts!! If the Pope reads I monk, you are screwed! Ha, just kidding man, if we had a pope the first thing he would do would be to throw my butt out! who could blame him. But still you better hope the Pope don’t read Imonk!
Thanks for accepting my apology, and me.

Surfnetter 02.04.09 at 9:07 am

Used to go to Dayspring Cathedral in Northern New Hampshire. It was a call-in radio ministry on a NJ station but he would do it live from NH — “Let’s Talk About Jesus” founded by Clinton White. It was a great story — built this beautiful church on a mountain out of materials from an old railroad roundhouse. But they ran into a financial scandal and White went off the deep end – sending out messages about visions of the locusts from Revelations and the like. He eventually blew his head off with a shotgun down in Florida. Dayspring is now a resort.

I really don’t think the Pope would see me as much of a threat — there are many priests and religious who are much further off center than me. But hey — if he wants to take me on, I’m sure it would get me on Oprah and Larry King — and a big book deal!! ;-P

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