I Just Blew Out Poison …, Again ….

by Surfnetter on September 18, 2007


In our experience are many things, but in our minds are many other things that we somehow believe to be in our experience and are not. We experience the sun coming up and going down every day, but we imagine that we know by experience that the earth is rotating causing this “illusionary” rising and setting that we experience. We somehow have let the scientific cosmological explanation displace our own experience of the Cosmos.

Science can claim many victories, some complete and others partial. The battle over polio was a complete victory — as for cancer it is only partial. Al Gore has depicted global warming, aka climate change, as a cosmic illness. “The earth has a fever,” he says in his documentary. This is the first time that such a global “disease” has been “isolated and identified” by science, but there seems to be an overwhelming consensus as to the diagnosis and cure. Science has been after cancer for decades, a disease involving a small number of rogue cells in an individual living organism. Global warming involves an entire world made up of everything and everyone that makes up life as we know it. And the culprit pathogen …? Carbon dioxide, the very gas that nearly all living things either breath out or breath in.

If science can’t claim complete victory over cancer, why should we trust them to predict our future over this so-called “earth fever?”


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